Dhuvaafaru Primary School is one of the two schools in the island
of Dhuvaafaru, in Raa Atoll, Maldives. Similar to all public schools in the
country, Dhuvaafar Primary School also began to use online learning for their
students when schools were closed due to COVID-19 pandemic. However, it did not
take too long for the school management to understand the problems associated
with internet connectivity and availability of devices for students to study
freely. The school found the solution for equal access to education for all
students by setting up their own TV station, DPS Channel. The school
established their own studios where lessons were recorded and telecasted to
children’s homes through their very own TV channel. Apart from the televised lessons,
the channel is being used for multiple purposes including information dissemination,
community awareness, etc. This video tells the story of DPS TV channel.